Die wissenschaftlichen Publikationen von Dr. Sabine Sipos (geb. Elicker) und Univ.Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sipos sind nachstehend in der Folge ihrer Erscheinung aufgelistet.
K.B. HOLTHAUS, B. STRASSER, W. SIPOS, H.A. SCHMIDT, V. MLITZ, S. SUKSEREE, A. WEISSENBACHER, E. TSCHACHLER, L. ALIBARDI, L. ECKHART (2016): Comparative genomics identifies epidermal proteins associated with the evolution of the turtle shell. Mol. Biol. Evol. 33, 726-737.
W. SIPOS, S. ENTENFELLNER, S. SIPOS, F. ENTENFELLNER, C. WEISSENBACHER-LANG, H. WEISSENBÖCK (2017): Das histologische Bild des Urogenitaltraktes von Sauen mit Fertilitätsstörungen ist hochvariabel. Wien. Tierarztl. Monat. 104, 23-29.
M. REITER, Ch. KNECHT, A. MÜLLER, A.-M. SCHÖTTA, M. LESCHNIK, M. WIJNVELD, H. WEISSENBÖCK, H. STOCKINGER, G. STANEK, W. SIPOS (2017): The domestic pig as a potential model for Borrelia skin infection. Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 8, 300-308.
G. STEINHAUSER, C. KNECHT, W. SIPOS (2017): Fat tissue is not a reservoir of radiocesium in wild boars. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 312, 705-709.
P. DOVJAK, G. HEINZE, A. RAINER, W. SIPOS, P. PIETSCHMANN (2017): Serum levels of Dkk-1 are a potential negative biomarker of survival in geriatric patients. Exp. Gertontol. 96, 104-109.
V. CVJETKOVIC, S. SIPOS, I. SZABO, W. SIPOS (2018): Clinical efficacy of two vaccination strategies against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in a pig herd suffering from respiratory disease. Porcine Health Manag. 4:19.
U. FÖGER-SAMWALD, C. KNECHT, T. STIMPFL, T. SZEKEREZ, K. KERSCHAN-SCHINDL, P. MIKOSCH, P. PIETSCHMANN, W. SIPOS (2018): Bone effects of binge alcohol drinking using prepubescent pigs as a model. Alcohol Clin. Exp. Res. 42, 2123-2135.
T. BAUER, W. SIPOS, T. STARK, T. KÄSER, C. KNECHT, R. BRUNTHALER, A. SAALMÜLLER, T. HOFMANN, M. EHLING-SCHULZ (2018): First insights into within host translocation of the Bacillus cereus toxin cereulide using a porcine model. Front Microbiol. 9:2652.
S. SUKSEREE, S. BERGMANN, K. PAJDZIK, W. SIPOS, F. GRUBER, E. TSCHACHLER, L. ECKHART (2018): Suppression of epithelial autophagy compromises the homeostasis of sweat glands during aging. J. Invest. Dermatol. 138, 2061-2063.
K.B. HOLTHAUS, B. STRASSER, J. LACHNER, S. SUKSEREE, W. SIPOS, A. WEISSENBACHER, E. TASCHACHLER, L. ALIBARDI, L. ECKHART (2018): Comparative analysis of epidermal differentiation genes of crocodilians suggest new models for the evolutionary origin of avian feather proteins. Genome Biol. Evol. 10, 694-704.
W. SIPOS (2019): Shifts in porcine PBMC populations from adolescence to adulthood. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 211, 35-37.
W. SIPOS (2019): Are pigs a suitable model species for osteoporosis research? J. Transl. Sci. 5, DOI: 10.15761/JTS.1000331
C. SIEGL, M. KÖNIG-SCHUSTER, C. KOLLER, P. GRAF, N. UNGER-MANHART, Y. SCHINDLEGGER, N. KIRCHOFF, C. KNECHT, E. PRIESCHL-GRASSAUER, W. SIPOS (2019): Pharmacokinetics of topically applied tacrolimus dissolved in Marinosolv, a novel aqueous eye drop formulation. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 134, 88-95.
F. EHRLICH, H. FISCHER, L. LANGBEIN, S. PRAETZEL-WUNDER, B. EBNER, K. FIGLAK, A. WEISSENBACHER, W. SIPOS, E. TSCHACHLER, L. ECKHART (2019): Differential evolution of the epidermal keratin cytoskeleton in terrestrial and aquatic mammals. Mol. Biol. Evol. 36, 328-340.
W. SIPOS, B. DOBROKES, L. MEPPIEL, J. SAILER, U. FRIEDMANN, V. CVJETKOVIC (2020): Die Lungenscore-Befunde von Schlachtschweinen sind mit dem Impfstatus gegen Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae und PCV2 assoziiert. Berl. Münch. Tierärztl. Wochenschr. 133, 1-5.
S. NAKOWITSCH, C. KOLLER, J-M. SEIFERT, M. KÖNIG-SCHUSTER, N. UNGER-MANHART, C. SIEGL, N. KIRCHOFF, E. FOGLAR, C. GRAF, M. MOROKUTTI-KURZ, M. NEURATH, S. SLADEK, C. KNECHT, W. SIPOS, E. PRIESCHL-GRASSAUER, A. GRASSAUER (2020): Saponin micelles lead to high mucosal permeation and in-vivo efficacy of solubilized budesonide. Pharmaceutics 12, 847, 1-15.