Die wissenschaftlichen Publikationen von Dr. Sabine Sipos (geb. Elicker) und Univ.Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sipos sind nachstehend in der Folge ihrer Erscheinung aufgelistet.
W. SIPOS, C.J. DUVIGNEAU, R.T. HARTL, I. SCHWENDENWEIN (2011): Exploratory reference intervals on hematology and cellular immune system of multiparous Large White sows. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 141, 307-311.
W. SIPOS, E. KRALICEK, M. RAUNER, J.C. DUVIGNEAU, H.L. WORLICZEK, D. SCHAMALL, R.T. HARTL, I. SOMMERFELD-STUR, E. DALL’ARA, P. VARGA, H. RESCH, I. SCHWENDENWEIN, P. ZYSSET, P. PIETSCHMANN (2011): Bone and cellular immune system of multiparous sows are insensitive to ovariectomy and nutritive calcium shortage. Horm. Metab. Res. 43, 404-409.
W. SIPOS, P. ZYSSET, P. KOSTENUIK, E. MAYRHOFER, C. BOGDAN, M. RAUNER, M. STOLINA, D. DWYER, I. SOMMERFELD-STUR, G. PENDL, H. RESCH, E. DALL’ARA, P. VARGA, P. PIETSCHMANN (2011): OPG-Fc treatment in growing pigs leads to rapid reductions in bone resorption markers, serum calcium, and bone formation markers. Horm. Metab. Res. 43, 944-949.
A. SCHRATTER, M. HOLZER, F. STERZ, A. JANATA, W. SIPOS, T. URAY, U. LOSERT, W. BEHRINGER (2011): New conventional long term survival normovolemic cardiac arrest pig model. Resuscitation 82, 90-96.
M. LICHTENAUER, M. MILDNER, K. HÖTZENECKER, M. ZIMMERMANN, B.K. PODESSER, W. SIPOS, E. BERÉNYI, M. DWORSCHAK, E. TSCHACHLER, M. GYÖNGYÖSI, H.J. ANKERSMIT (2011): Secretome of apoptotic peripheral blood cells (APOSEC) confers cytoprotection to cardiomyocytes and inhibits tissue remodelling after acute myocardial infarction: a preclinical study. Basic Res. Cardiol. 106, 1283-1297.
Y. MOENS, H. SARE, W. SIPOS (2011): Temporary inhalation anaesthesia in experimental pigs. Lab. Anim. 45, 62.
E.M. PEINHART, B. EXEL, G. DJURAS, F. DIEBER, W. SIPOS (2011): Untersuchungen zu Fruchtbarkeitsparametern in steirischen Schweineerzeugerbetrieben unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Porcinen Reproduktiven und Respiratorischen Syndroms. Wien. Tierarztl. Monat. 98, 41-48.
W. WEIHS, D. KRIZANAC, F. STERZ, G. HLAVIN, A. JANATA, W. SIPOS, M. HOLZER, U. LOSERT, W. BEHRINGER (2012): Rapid induction of hypothermia with a small volume aortic flush during cardiac arrest in pigs. Am. J. Emerg. Med. 30, 643-650.
S. ELICKER, H. WEISSENBÖCK, W. SIPOS (2012): Chronic hyperproliferative process with major involvement of mast cells at ear tag sites of sows. Wien. Tierarztl. Monat. 99, 44-46.
W. SIPOS, B. REUTTERER, M. FRANK, H. UNGER, A. GRASSAUER, E. PRIESCHL-GRASSAUER, P. DÖRFLER (2013): Escin inhibits type I allergic dermatitis in a novel porcine model. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 161, 44-52.
W. SIPOS, S. WIENER, F. ENTENFELLNER, S. SIPOS (2013): Physiological changes of rectal temperature, pulse rate, and respiratory rate of pigs at different ages including the critical peripartal period. Wien. Tierarztl. Monat. 100, 95-100.
G.A. ROTH, W. SIPOS, M. HÖFERL, M. BÖHMDORFER, E.M. SCHMIDT, H. HETZ, K. SCHEBESTA, D. KLAUS, M. MOTAL, W. JÄGER, C.G. KRENN (2013): The effect of the molecular adsorbent recirculating system (MARS) on moxifloxacin and meropenem plasma levels. Acta Anaesthesiol. Scand. 57, 461-467.
M. RAUNER, W. SIPOS, S. THIELE, P. PIETSCHMANN (2013): Advances in osteoimmunology: pathophysiologic concepts and treatment opportunities. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 160, 114-125.
P. PIETSCHMANN, U. FÖGER-SAMWALD, W. SIPOS, M. RAUNER (2013): The role of cathepsins in osteoimmunology. Crit. Rev. Eukaryot. Gene Expr. 23, 11-26.
G. TEBB, K. MÖSTL, F. TATRUCH, T. STEINECK, R. PALME, H. POTHMANN, W. SIPOS, M. DIRNHOFER, S. HANDL (2013): Ein Überblick über zehn Jahrzehnte Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift. Wien. Tierarztl. Monat. 100, Suppl. 1, 8-28.
W. SIPOS, A. GRAHOFER, L. FISCHER, F. ENTENFELLNER, S. SIPOS (2014): Keimspektrum des Urogenitaltraktes von Sauen mit Fertilitätsstörungen. Wien. Tierarztl. Monat. 101, 214-220.
N. PAVO, M. ZIMMERMANN, D. PILS, M. MILDNER, Z. PETRÁSI, O. PETNEHÁZY, J. FUZIK, A. JAKAB, C. GABRIEL, W. SIPOS, H. MAURER, M. GYÖNGYÖSI, H.J. ANKERSMIT (2014): Long-acting beneficial effect of percutaneously intramyocardially delivered secretome of apoptotic peripheral blood cells on porcine chronic ischemic left ventricular dysfunction. Biomaterials 35, 3541-3550.
M. RAUNER, U. FÖGER-SAMWALD, M.F. KURZ, C. BRÜNNER-KUBATH, A. KAPFENBERGER, P. VARGA, S. KUDLACEK, A. WUTZL, H. HÖGER, P.K. ZYSSET, G.P. SHI, L.C. HOFBAUER, W. SIPOS, P. PIETSCHMANN (2014): Cathepsin S deficiency increases bone remodeling leading to subtle changes in bone microarchitecture. Bone 64, 281-287.
C. KEIBL, W. SIPOS, M. PONSCHAB, C.J. SCHLIMP (2015): Blood biochemical changes in pigs after infusion with acetate-buffered or lactate-buffered crystalloid solutions. Lab. Anim. (NY) 44, 268-273.